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We help implement changes in culture & behaviour

What we do

We help implement changes in behavior and culture. We are implementation partners in organisations, for leaders and for teams. We have an irreverent approach to theories and methods. And we believe that what we do must work in the context in which our customers act.




The way we work

Our theoretical background and experience range widely, e.g. from the world of business psychology, systemic thinking, experiential learning, narrative leadership approach, management consulting and much more. We have a large toolbox that we regularly dive into so we can adapt things to your needs. And we are very pragmatic in our approach.

Using nature as development frame

We believe that if you are actively involved, learning happens faster, or in other words: Then you learn from the concrete experiences you have. Many studies show that nature has a positive impact on the way we learn, absorb knowledge, develop ideas and reflect. We are big supporters of that.

Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities. 

Coaching for teams

Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts.

Get your free eBook on bias

We wrote a eBook to inspire you. To show you how to fuel your own and your organisation's growth through bias awareness and the ability to respond, not react.

The reason you should concern yourself with bias, culture and behaviour is that in your organisation you will most likely have a lot of legacy behaviour, things that is “we normally do this”, “we have always done that”, “our processes/rules/SOPs dictate that”, and bias is at the heart of those statements. But if they are not strategically relevant they must go or at least be revised 

Coaching for leaders

Coaching and sparring on career, development, challenges, relationships, goals and focus.

Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration

ENERGY boosts that support the core task. We explain with an edge in our thought-provoking inspirational talks how and why you gain momentum and focus on the core task by, for example, sharpening the common understanding, culture, professional conflict and psychological safety.

When "boomer leaders" block the good team dynamics

Dyrkelsen af individet i ledelse står i voldsom kontrast til behovet for at opbygge stærke, sammenhæ…

To tune in with small words

For os starter det ofte med en samtale, samtale mellem to eller flere mennesker. Et ønske om et ande…

Navigating Leadership Challenges: The Art of 'Disagree and Commit'

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where decisions can either...

Kulturændring skal komme ovenfra

Af Jounalist Benedikte Ballund Ritzau Fokus. Udgivet i Midtjyllands medier 8/12 2023. Hvor HEXES ble…

Is your ego getting in the way of the company's ability to execute?

It is as if there is often resistance in top management teams to training collaboration, building trust and working…

Conflict is good, conflict is healthy and conflict creates results

We are used to thinking of conflicts as something negative. But what if we achieve much better resul…

How to use bias to your advantage in a VUCA world

VUCA står for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity og Ambiguity og handler kort sagt om, hvordan du n…

Saboteurs & a spinning mind

Det er ikke godt nok! Næsen i sporet! Kom nu!  Vores indre dialog er spændende og til tider sel…

How to build trust in swift teams

Når hastigheden og kompleksiteten er skruet op, og arbejdet foregår i forskellige konstellationer af…

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Let’s build something strong together

Our experience is that working with 3 Push gives the best results & greatest success with implementation. That means we commit to a minimum of 3 sessions/workshops together. Then we do not waste your money and our time