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Organisational development

Can you do it? Do you want to do it? Do you have the courage to do it?

The focal point of our work is that we can (and should) be aware of what we do. Both individually, as a team and as an organisation. We think it's basically about 3 things: ABILITY, WILL and COURAGE. Can you - do you have the ability and competencies? Do you want to - do you have the will to do what needs to be done? And do you dare - do you have the courage to do what needs to be done? And that is often the last part that presents the biggest problem. Not because we are all yellow, but because we often do not know ourselves well enough to know what is stopping us.

All organisations must continuously implement changes

New strategy, new CRM system, new workflows. Something new is constantly happening in a vibrant and dynamic organisation.

And we approach the new in a way that is consistent with the culture, whether it is appropriate or not. We help make you aware of your culture and behaviour so that you can control it instead of let it controlling you. 

Culture is there, whether we are aware of it or not - control it so that it does not control you


Creating and managing the culture of a company is certainly not impossible, quite the opposite, in fact. Culture is there whether we actively relate to it or not, and since it has a huge impact on productivity, innovation and retention of skilled employees, there are a wide range of economic arguments for taking concious choises about culture in your organisation.

In addition, there are all the non-financial, or that is, those that are not financial at first glance: Confidence, job satisfaction, well-being.

Strategy implementation

When we talk about doing strategic work, we usually talk about designing the strategy itself. But that is not where the majority of the workload lies.

No, it lies in operationalising the strategy. All the way down through the organisation so that everyone, from CEO to recetionist can make daily decisions that are in line with the strategic choices.


"Nothing happens until something moves." as Einstein said. And we want the right thing to move. Our experience is that our best chance to make sure that happens, is to focus on both culture and behaviour. 

Because culture and behavior interact with each other, so it is useless to think one can change the behaviour without working consciously with the culture at the same time.

Strategic Offsite

Some of the biggest challenges organisations typically face are implementing strategies and changes - to get everyone to join the journey. We help you take the first steps by aligning your vision and making it manageable and visible.

Active learning promotes interdisciplinary learning, commitment, collaboration, behavioural understanding and cultural awareness.


The way to development is paved with inspiration and knowledge sharing. How do we create a common focus and prerequisites for a development that is both meaningful and effective?

ENERGY boosts that support the core task. We explain with an edge in our thought-provoking inspirational talks how and why you gain momentum and focus on the core task by, for example, sharpening the common understanding, culture, professional conflict and psychological safety.

Tailored programmes

The above are examples and can be tweaked to suit what is currently most important in your organisation

Profile and behavioural analysis

We work with and are certified in a number of tools that can clarify needs for development, improve communication and optimise performance.

Systemic Team Coaching® creates an environment where transformational changes can happen. We coach teams to consider both their internal dynamics and external stakeholders, working with the connections and influences within and outside the team.

Positive intelligence® (PQ)
Positive intelligence® (PQ) In PQ coaching, you work with automatic thought patterns. They are represented by the Saboteurs, and are often neither positive nor productive. PQ focuses on building neural pathways that form new, lasting and more productive patterns.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ™ can help all teams, from production floor to board room, become more cohesive and deliver better results.

Everything DiSC® is a personal behavioural profile that measures preferences and trends based on the DiSC® model. Can be combined with The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ™

JTI (Jungian Type Index) profiles is a model developed in Scandinavia that has its roots in Jung's type theory and the MBTI tool.

The strengths of OPQ are the insight into 32 psychological factors that are combined into different Competences that make a given behaviour probable.

The Insights Discovery system uses a simple four-color model that helps people understand their communication style, their strengths and their relationships.

People Test System is well-documented and provides tests within personality, logic, employee, 360* and team. Provides a detailed and nuanced picture.


New perspective and a clear path so you can make a feasible action plan


Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration


Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities. 

We work concretely and agreement-based

This means that we are not finished until there are concrete agreements on the white board - WHAT will we do, WHEN will we do it and WHO will do it.

Implementing changes in behaviour and culture takes time. Creating cohesion takes time and never stops. And there are no short cuts. It requires psychological safety, prioritisation, commitment and consistency to be able to deliver on the common goals. Organisations, leaders and teams can learn (and if they know them in advance, become better at) those competencies, and thus deliver optimally on the common result.

Therefore, it pays off in both the long and the short term to prioritise a focused effort on development and behaviour.

Articles on organisational development

Saboteurs & a spinning mind

Det er ikke godt nok! Næsen i sporet! Kom nu!  Vores indre dialog er spændende og til tider sel…

How to build trust in swift teams

Når hastigheden og kompleksiteten er skruet op, og arbejdet foregår i forskellige konstellationer af…

3 questions that reveals an unhealthy culture

Nogle gange er det nemt at spotte de giftige elementer, der skaber en usund kultur, og det er derfor…

Today’s saber-toothed tigers

Our reactions are instant. They’re driven by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the un…

Start the talk about trust and accountability

Vi bevæger os mod ’hybridorganisationer’, hvor succes afhænger af evnen til at skabe sammenhængskraf…

Avoid virtual team fatigue

Under en af vores daglige gåture havde vi inviteret en god ven, der er leder i en større kommune, me…



Virtuel kommunikation og reptilhjernen

Vi står p.t. alle i en situation som har ændret vores arbejdsdag og rigtigt mange af os arbejder hje…

High Performance Teams - A beautiful thought

Artikel, der blev bragt i Børsen Ledelse den 18. oktober 2019. Link til artikel her: High Perfo…