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Teamudvikling, samarbejde, perspektiver, kommunikation

Team development

Knowledge and initiatives about behaviour in a team context are fundamental in order to be able to contribute to joint success.

Therefore, the status of the individual team is assessed prior to each team development process. When we know the starting point of the team, we tailor a set of initiatives in the right areas of focus.

Focus that creates action and concrete results in your organisation

New team

Boost the team

Worn-out team

Tailored programmes

The above are examples and can be tweaked to suit what is currently most important in your organisation

Coaching for teams

Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts. Read more...

Strategic Offsite

Some of the biggest challenges in organisations are the implementation of strategies and change - to get everyone involved in the journey. It requires new habits and thorough work with behaviour and culture.


Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration


Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities. 

We work concretely and agreement-based

This means that we are not finished until there are concrete agreements on the white board - WHAT will we do, WHEN will we do it and WHO will do it.

Implementing changes in behaviour and culture takes time. Creating cohesion takes time and never stops. And there are no short cuts. It requires psychological safety, prioritisation, commitment and consistency to be able to deliver on the common goals. Organisations, leaders and teams can learn (and if they know them in advance, become better at) those competencies, and thus deliver optimally on the common result.

Therefore, it pays off in both the long and the short term to prioritise a focused effort on development and behaviour.

Articles on team development

Avoid virtual team fatigue

Under en af vores daglige gåture havde vi inviteret en god ven, der er leder i en større kommune, me…



Virtuel kommunikation og reptilhjernen

Vi står p.t. alle i en situation som har ændret vores arbejdsdag og rigtigt mange af os arbejder hje…

High Performance Teams - A beautiful thought

Artikel, der blev bragt i Børsen Ledelse den 18. oktober 2019. Link til artikel her: High Perfo…

Fire talks & cojones

Jeg er i min bedste alder. I’ve been around the block som man siger. både i mit erhvervsliv og priva…

Accountability, Ego & the Inner Compass

Når vi er ude og holde oplæg, kommer vi gerne med en påstand: At ledelse og teamwork starter med to …

Tribe behaviour creates silos...Are we biologically fucked?

Du kender det måske godt, os og dem-mentaliteten, den interne konkurrence, manglende samarbejde på t…

Når gammelmandssyndromet står i vejen for teamtræning og -udvikling

”Kan det virkelig være rigtigt! Behøver vi virkelig teamtræning og fokus på teamudvikling igen og ig…

Bevæg dig for fanden- kontorstolen dræber!!

Hvad er bevægelse? Hvad er årsag til bevægelse? Bevægelse er det mest fundamentale fænomen i Univers…