Worn-out team
Are you a well-functioning team that works with experience but lacks energy?
Is your team characterised by conflicts, frustrations and poor collaboration, well-being and efficiency? Disagreements and conflicts help us to become sharper and choose better solutions. But sometimes the conflicts are not constructive, have become personal instead of professional and help is needed to resolve the conflict in a way that help you continue to collaborate, perform and thrive.
People are not wired to perform optimally all the time
When we as people and teams consciously or unconsciously experience having to perform or are pressured to have to perform at a demanding and high level, the brain responds by going on alert. In the short term, this causes the brain to work even more efficiently, for example right up to a deadline on a project or a sports performance.
But the body's emergency system is also set in motion and that is our reptile brain response to escape, fight or freeze. The reptile brain does not depict between a sabre-toothed tiger or a deadline on a project and responds based on best survival strategy.
When the situation is over, the brain makes sure to regulate the alarm level down again, but if the pressure is high for too long and we rarely get a chance to relax, the brain gets overworked and we end up getting a stress-related illness.
We tailor our team programmes
We work with a mixture of theory and exercises both indoors and outdoors. Based on the composition of your team, we can work with profile analysis tools and team analysis tools as part of your development. The outdoor part can consist of various things such as trips or exercises. The common denominator is nature and involving exercises.
Easy to say, hard to do:
Strengthen your relations so that everyone has basic trust
Support a feeling of accountability, ownership and community
Talk about the team's DNA, ground rules, culture, roles and behaviour
Introduce a feedback culture. Give and recieve constructive feedback and help with blind spots
Create space for evaluation, discussion and development
Around the table, battery status
Battery status
Our experiences with teams with a high degree of psychological safety is that talking about “battery status” at the weekly team meeting, project reviews or daily stand up, is very good. Introducing "The round", where every team member gives a "battery status": "I am on project X and we are on target with this and that, however, I am behind on project Y.
Battery status is 70% as I am a little challenged at home, so I need some backup." In a close-knit team, the following happens: "Thanks John, great to hear, how can we help with Project Y so you can get recharged?" Ie. we continuously coordinate taskwork and teamwork.
“The more complex the world becomes, the more difficult it is to complete something without the cooporation with others”
Alexander Fleming

Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities.

Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration

Coaching for teams
Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts. Read more...

Let’s build something strong together
Our experience is that working with 3 Push gives the best results & greatest success with implementation. That means we commit to a minimum of 3 sessions/workshops together. Then we do not waste your money and our time