The way to development is paved with inspiration and knowledge sharing. How do we create a common focus and prerequisites for a development that is both meaningful and effective?
ENERGY boosts that support the core task. We explain with an edge in our thought-provoking inspirational talks how and why you gain momentum and focus on the core task by, for example, sharpening the common understanding, culture, professional conflict and psychological safety.
Inspirational talks typically range from one to two hours. The focal points are on collaboration, communication, leadership, behaviour and culture. With a practical approach to optimisation, performance, implementation and understanding of ownership and common goals. Always with concrete examples and directly linked to the daily work.
Are you a criminal?
We are fucking (did your bias react to that word?) biased. The brain is lazy and our rational capacity is severely limited. On top of that we add stress, deadlines, 1000 emails, work / life balance. We can rarely manage to be present in the present, but are more busy with what we have to do next. That's why we function mostly on autopilot so as not to burn out. So we navigate the world based on a preconceived impression also called confirmation bias.
Book us for a customised kick in the butt to shake your auto-smugness. As the Buddhists say: don't worry, nothing is under control. You can't predict the future with your confirmation bias, so be curious, humble and listen.

Psychological safety - a must-have
In the hybrid organisation, success depends on
the organisation's ability to create a culture based on psychological safety. Do you dare to engage in conflict?
The way to development is paved with inspiration and knowledge sharing. How do we create a common focus and prerequisites for a development that is both meaningful and effective? Psychological safety supports the core task.

Demand commitment - you're allowed to
So we can make the leadership decision to change something. And we can invite our employees along. And we can tell and listen and encourage. But we also need to start the ball rolling. Once we have talked and listened and had professional conflicts about the change, we must demand commitment. You should actually do this as a leader.
Patterns in culture and behaviour. It's change one small step at a time, and it's a winning formula. We use examples from our work as leaders of change processes and consultants in everything from pharma over the firefighting brigade to tech.
High Performance Teams - A beautiful thought
The focus on High Performance Teams in the organisations is misunderstood and has unfortunately been branded as being best practice in the name of efficiency.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing are the path to development. How do we create teams with coherence and the prerequisites for a development that is both meaningful and effective? Teams must support the core task.

Ego & accountability
We talk about teamwork, but when the pressure is on, we often focus on our own possibility for succes instead of the team's.
Overview and balance are the path to development. How do we create reflected focus, tame our ego and create the prerequisite for a development that is both meaningful and effective? Management and responsibility must support the core task.

Come hell or high water
Top management - leaders are the bearers of culture. They set the standard in the organisation. It's not what you do, but what you tolerate that defines the culture and behaviour of the organisation you are leading. The question is: Do you have each other's backs?
Awareness of behaviour and a vibrant culture is the path to development. How do we create a culture and behaviour that is both meaningful and effective? Culture and behaviour must support the core task.
We tailor to your needs
Inspirational talks, workshops and programmes and are tailored to your needs and targeted to your situation

Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities.
Articles to be inspired by
When "boomer leaders" block the good team dynamics
Dyrkelsen af individet i ledelse står i voldsom kontrast til behovet for at opbygge stærke, sammenhæ…
To tune in with small words
For os starter det ofte med en samtale, samtale mellem to eller flere mennesker. Et ønske om et ande…
Navigating Leadership Challenges: The Art of 'Disagree and Commit'
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where decisions can either...
Is your ego getting in the way of the company's ability to execute?
It is as if there is often resistance in top management teams to training collaboration, building trust and working…
Conflict is good, conflict is healthy and conflict creates results
We are used to thinking of conflicts as something negative. But what if we achieve much better resul…
How to use bias to your advantage in a VUCA world
VUCA står for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity og Ambiguity og handler kort sagt om, hvordan du n…
Saboteurs & a spinning mind
Det er ikke godt nok! Næsen i sporet! Kom nu! Vores indre dialog er spændende og til tider sel…
How to build trust in swift teams
Når hastigheden og kompleksiteten er skruet op, og arbejdet foregår i forskellige konstellationer af…