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The new team

Are you a new team that needs to work efficiently together right from the start?

Are you a new team, a project team or are you establishing collaboration across departments? Ground rules or corner flags can help define a clear norm. If the psychological part (teamwork) is specified, it will fertilise the soil for the functional part (taskwork) and the team will be off to a better start.

Sadly, you can't just put a group of people together and say: You're a team now!

It takes time and effort to create dynamic and well-functioning teams with coherence, and very few will reach a level where we can talk about being a close-knit team that also has the potential to be able to navigate as a High Performance Team when required. Putting a bunch of people together does not automatically trigger good results, and there are several stages in going from being a working group to being a close-knit team. In order for a team to develop into a dynamic unit and achieve good results, we look at several different parameters.

We tailor our team programmes

We work with a mixture of theory and exercises both indoors and outdoors. Based on the composition of your team, we can work with profile analysis tools and team analysis tools as part of your development. The outdoor part can consist of various things such as trips or exercises. The common denominator is nature and involving exercises.

Easy to say, hard to do:

  • Strengthen your relations so that everyone has basic trust
  • Talk about why we are here? This is ongoing
  • Support a feeling of accountability, ownership and community
  • Talk about the team's DNA, ground rules, culture, roles and behaviour
  • Introduce a feedback culture. Give and recieve constructive feedback and help with blind spots
  • Create space for evaluation, discussion and development
  • Ensure a complete understanding of and commitment to common goals

Coaching for teams

Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts. Read more...


Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration

Let’s build something strong together

Our experience is that working with 3 Push gives the best results & greatest success with implementation. That means we commit to a minimum of 3 sessions/workshops together. Then we do not waste your money and our time