Leadership development
Ego & accountability
There is no formula. For us, leadership is not about "8 easy steps to better leadership". It's not about all the books, courses, exercises and push ups you have to do to become the optimal version of yourself. Nor is it about all the things you shouldn't do. In fact, most of all, it's about learning to live with who you are. And to do that, you must to invest some time reflecting a little on how you act in the world. And then it's about taking responsibility for what's yours, and letting go of what is not.
3 approaches that create space for and increase the quality of reflection and implementation
First team
Down & dirty
Tailored programmes
The above are examples and can be tweaked to suit what is currently most important in your organisation
Coaching for leaders
Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts. Read more...
Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration
Coaching for teams
Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts.
Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities.
We work concretely and agreement-based
This means that we are not finished until there are concrete agreements on the white board - WHAT will we do, WHEN will we do it and WHO will do it.
Implementing changes in behaviour and culture takes time. Creating cohesion takes time and never stops. And there are no short cuts. It requires psychological safety, prioritisation, commitment and consistency to be able to deliver on the common goals. Organisations, leaders and teams can learn (and if they know them in advance, become better at) those competencies, and thus deliver optimally on the common result.
Therefore, it pays off in both the long and the short term to prioritise a focused effort on development and behaviour.
Articles on leadership development
Ansvar, ego & det indre kompas
Når jeg er ude og holde oplæg, kommer jeg gerne med en påstand: At ledelse og teamwork starter med t…
Navigating Leadership Challenges: The Art of 'Disagree and Commit'
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where decisions can either...
At tune ind med små ord
For os starter det ofte med en samtale, samtale mellem to eller flere mennesker. Et ønske om et ande…
Bevæg dig for fanden- kontorstolen dræber!!
Hvad er bevægelse? Hvad er årsag til bevægelse? Bevægelse er det mest fundamentale fænomen i Univers…
Bjergbestigning og forandringsledelse – hvad pokker har det med hinanden at gøre ?
Jeg hiver efter vejret, 14. etage på Rigshospitalet virker i mine øjne lige nu som dødszonen på Moun…
Conflict is good, conflict is healthy and conflict creates results
We are used to thinking of conflicts as something negative. But what if we achieve much better resul…
Start the talk about trust and accountability
Vi bevæger os mod ’hybridorganisationer’, hvor succes afhænger af evnen til at skabe sammenhængskraf…
Fire talks & cojones
Jeg er i min bedste alder. I’ve been around the block som man siger. både i mit erhvervsliv og priva…
Motivation & Winter
Måske kender du det også: Vinteren er landet, der sker noget instinktivt, man går i en form for refl…