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First team

Are you a leadership team that wants to grow together?

Ego, humility and accountability

In our work with leadership teams we often xperience that almost all participants initially say that they look forward to getting to know themselves better, both their strengths and weaknesses. It's hard work. But when all is sad and done, this is where we really make a difference. It is primarily about self-awareness and the willingness to work with oneself. Typical leadership challenges are the ability to:

  • Prioritise
  • Delegate
  • Take ownership
  • Align expectations
  • Give and receive feedback
  • Communicate clearly both up and down
  • Implement
  • Execute

To deliver on the common job

You get the opportunity to learn new things, train, try out, and become aware of current behavioural patterns in yourself and your colleagues. Through leadership simulation, you experience the consequences of your behaviour, actions, communication and performance.

Vi arbejder systematisk med feedback i vores lederforløb. Så alle simuleringer indeholder feedbackrunder. Det er vores erfaring, at selv om mange ledergrupper er blevet undervist i feedback, så er det ikke en naturlig, daglig praksis for dem. Og det mener vi er en af de væsentligste grunde til at I ikke får det optimale ud af ledergruppen. Læs mere om Leder team Coaching & Coaching for leaders her

The way we work is consistent, otherwise it does not work. And by the way - consensus does not belong in teams, commitment does. A team's task is to deliver the best solution and result. That's what we commit to. We do not have to agree, but we must deliver the best result together and commit to it. If we choose consensus, no one will win. We need a close-knit team, not groupthink. 

Ready for all hands on deck?

Coaching for teams

Coaching and sparring on development, challenges, relationships, roles and conflicts.


Our approach to workshops is that there must be action followed by implementation and delegation of responsibilities. 


Inspirational talks, new perspectives, mindset & collaboration


New perspective and a clear path so you can make a feasible action plan

Let’s build something strong together

Our experience is that working with 3 Push gives the best results & greatest success with implementation. That means we commit to a minimum of 3 sessions/workshops together. Then we do not waste your money and our time